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just want to know more friends.. i'm a quiet person?? love to eat.. hehehhe


Sunday 4 July 2010

~ agak kurang sopan disitu.. ~

hehehehhehe kali nie.. i nk wat teguran cikit..
eceh2.. dah cm cikgu ar plak.. 
hehehhehe xpe x jd cikgu pun ley tegur owg gak kn2..
well i nie bukan pe..
tyme tergoogle2 pic park yong ha ritu...
terjumpe ar pic kat bwh nie..
bg i sapa yg buat nie aagak 'biadap'??
sesuai ke word 'biadap' tu?? hehehhe
ampun lar if x sesuai.. dah x dpt search dah word dlm kepala nie..
almaklum ar.. hard disk dlm kepala nie da hang.. ;p hahah
ley lak kn cm tu..

ok2.. balik pada topic asal k..
the main point is what is the point 4 the owner 
of the pic done that??
(paham2 lar kn yea.. ampun lar bi i nie x ok..)
i pun x taw pe motip owg yg edit pic tu..
pe masalah diowg w our both ex PM n the current PM??
by the way.. i think he/she is rude..
i dont know who are the one that edit the pic...
why?? just see the original pic n the edited pic..

this is the original pic 4 winter sonata..

this is the edited pic by the one who are rude mybe??

bg i agak tidak wajar distu kerana edit pic cm tu..
well even u not like them...
but plz have a respect 4 them as a PRIME MINISTER..
4 those who done it..
cube bygkn if ur dad yg kena.. 4 sure u marah kn??
so nape nk wat benda xda paedah nie..
if da x da keje sgt ar kn.. 
g lar bersihkn kwsn umah ke..
g joging ke..xpun 4 muslim lg afdal g masjid ke..
dpt gak pahala.. nie x.. edit pic yg sepatutnye x yah edit..
bazir tenaga je.. ish2.. just one thing..
i hope that owg yg wat nie akan berubah ar..
berubah kepada apa?? itu die yg akan decide.. =)
hope berubah pada yg lebey baik ar kn..  hehehhe

p/s = semua diatas tu adalah pendapat i sendiri ok.. 
lain owg lain pendapt.. i just ckp pendapat i je..
take care!!!!
that all!!!!


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